The myth of the Eureka moment. We have a whole language that describes where we believe ideas occur. The eureka moment, a stroke of genius, an epiphany, a breakthrough in thinking.3 This is not typically how ideas happen. Rather ideas tend to emerge through interactions between people. These interactions build on themselves in unexpected ways and evolve and develop. This myth is so persuasive that we not only believe it but we report new ideas this way. I do this myself. When I am stuck on a particularly difficult problem I will often go for a walk. I reckon I get all of my best ideas while walking. It doesn't work everytime but I often come back with that great idea and think of it as a moment of inspiration. It really isn't. Rather, Johnson describes this as being more like building a jigsaw puzzle where the moment of clarity is simply putting the last piece in place. Ideas occur through interactions, they grow and evolve. As Johnson says, ideas are more normally a slow evolving hunch than an epiphany.